The main objective is to achieve an increasingly integrated social and healthcare system, supported by technology but also human. With this vision, Regional Law no. 29 of 2017 established the Strategic Regional Agency for Health and Social Care. .
The AReSS is a technical-operational and instrumental body at the service of the Apulia Region, and of the Public Administration, for the management of social and health policies: it organises and improves, through the continuous monitoring and verification of outcomes, the responsiveness of the regional health system to the needs and expectations of the demand for health of people in Apulia. To this end, it identifies, plans and promotes lines of development in the field of health and social welfare, acquiring and developing new strategic and organisational knowledge, testing paths of innovation and improvement, analysing and disseminating the best existing social and health protocols both nationally and internationally, promoting and verifying innovative management models of clinical governance, also in compliance with the requirements of rationalisation and optimisation of expenditure from the regional budget.
The AReSS also carries out studies on improving the use of essential social services, on the demand for services resulting from emerging needs, and on social cohesion. It fosters and enhances virtuous relations in the health and social-health field between the world of research, the business sector and the community, through the study of interactions within civil society. It promotes the integration of citizenship rights and health culture through training in health.