
logo Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper is one of the flagship projects part of the Horizon 2020 European Programme. It aims to research and test innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing. AReSS is the Linked Third Party institution, on behalf of the Apulia Region

Over 55 citizenship in Europe: about 40 thousand people.

The project aspires to create a link between the actions of the health system and the real needs of citizens through an innovation that supports health professionals and people towards the goal of a better and quicker diagnosis, the access to treatments and management of the pathology along the continuum from prevention to cure.

Innovative technological solutions are tested in 8 regions of 7 EU Member States: Basque Country and Aragon (Spain), Apulia (Italy), Saxony (Germany), Milton Keynes (UK), Lodz (Poland), Cyprus and Greece.

The project promotes a continuous collaboration between health service providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, citizens and their communities by providing them with “real life” data collected through the Pilot Sites researches.

The platform brings together 43 partners in an open and joined technology ecosystem. Ideas, applications, user needs and pathways are shared to ensure an independent and healthy life to the over-55 citizenship in Europe. Research institutions, companies, health providers, public authorities from all over Europe are involved.

  1. Use case: Type 2 diabetes
    Moderate complexity, observational study
    The first objective of the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza observational study is the development of a statistical model for the predictive control of type 2 diabetes mellitus, based on both the use of 'conventional' clinical parameters and the use of 'unconventional' data from wearable devices.
    Participants: 100 patients

  2. Use Case: Lifestyles
    Low complexity, interventional study
    Experimenting with behavioural monitoring of over-55s to detect early onset of frailty and health risks
    Implementing e-coaching interventions to promote healthy behaviour and lifestyles.
    Participants: 9400 citizens over 55.

  3. Use Case: Chronic Lung Disease
    Use Case: Diabetes Type 2
    Use Case: Heart failure
    Use case
    : Multimorbidity
    Use Case: Hypertension
    Moderate complexity, interventional study
    Testing a continuous monitoring of health parameters related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, heart failure, hypertension and to support patient self-management and empowerment with respect to the diseases;
    Improving decision-making in the Care Puglia 3.0 model through data collecting.
    Participants: 1000 patients

48 months total period; 12 months already completed.

The scientific head is Giovanni Gorgoni.