PICC, Patient Involvement and Images utilization in Central venous catheters Certification, is the project, in collaboration with IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II, to pilot a new care organization model for the management of central venous catheters (CVCs) at home. It is based on certification and monitoring of implantation through images, patient and caregiver empowerment in the management of the technology, and interconnection between hospital specialist and patient/caregiver. PICC is among the projects that feed into the I-Care LAB.


Experimentation of a new care organizational model for the management of central venous catheters at home thus enhancing proximity medicine through the use of technologies, including digital, training of patients and caregivers, promotion of best practices among teams implanting CVCs, improved out-of-hospital management with reduction of complications and re-hospitalizations.

CVC-carrying oncology patients.

In the course of the project, the Regional HTA Center (CReHTA) developed an online questionnaire having as main reference the document Good Clinical Practices of the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (S.I.A.A.R.T.I., Società Italiana di Anestesia, Analgesia, Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva) related to vascular accesses and the protocols of the GAVeCelt Group reference group for central venous accesses in Italy operating at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Agostino Gemelli University Hospital in Rome.

Through the questionnaire, conducting a regional web survey to map CVC teams in the territory with identification and classification of 35 public CVC placement and management centers in Puglia.
Dissemination of the survey results through publication on AReSS website and with reports sent to DD.GG. and DD.SS. AA.SS.LL., AA.OO. and Public IRCSS, Directors of Socio-Health Districts, Directors PP.OO., Directors of O.U. - Managers of Central Venous Access Teams, Patient Associations of AA.SS.LL. Mixed Consultative Committees, to Cittadinanzattiva - Patients' Rights Tribunal.

Planning, conducting, drafting a literature review (Scoping Review) with the intention of verifying the existing international literature on the topic of CVC management, comparing it with the protocols/good practices/experts opinion currently available in Italy, and verifying the existence of experiences regarding the daily assessment of CVCs and educational interventions on patients.

Publication of the literature review in the international journal Frontiers in Medicine with the title "International good practices on central venous catheters' placement and daily management in adults and on educational interventions addressed to healthcare professionals or awake/outpatients. Results of a scoping review compared with the existent Italian good practices." Front. Med. 9:943164. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.943164. Mastrandrea G, Giuliani R and Graps EA (2022).

Production of clinical-organizational documents and protocols functional to the digitization of the organizational model for CVC management.
Design of a web platform and mobile app to support the organizational model through adherence to the Consip SPC-Cloud framework contract lot 3.

IRCCS Istituto tumori Giovanni Paolo II.

Project coordinator is Elisabetta Anna Graps; scientific head is Giovanni Mastrandrea (IRCCS Istituto tumori Giovanni Paolo II).