Radiation for medical use 

Exposure to radiation can cause damage to health. This is why correct patient information on the amount of dose absorbed by a radiological examination and what risks and benefits may arise is essential. With the aim of pursuing the empowerment of citizens on this issue, the Health Physics HTA Technical Table afferent to the CReHTA (established by Resolutions DG 53/2020 and DG 293/2022) aims at a greater sharing of the logic of prescriptive appropriateness pursued by professionals.  

The aim of the project is to provide people with information useful for dealing with medical radiology examinations in an informed and conscious manner and to inform them of the patient information obligations provided for by Legislative Decree no. 101 of 2020 (transposition of the EURATOM Directive). Another aim is the dissemination of information on the usefulness and risk of using radiation in medicine. Finally, the project aims to inform about the key figures in healthcare organisations who can provide comprehensive information in terms of the appropriateness of radiation exposure and the amount of absorbed dose. 

With the project, a brochure was produced, printed and distributed in paper format and via the AReSS website and social channels.   

Among the expected results is adequate information on the possibility of requesting a certified radiation dose exposure assessment by the Medical Physicist under special conditions, and greater resilience in healthcare organisations that must implement organisational arrangements to ensure comprehensive information from professionals (radiologists and Medical Physicists first and foremost) in terms of the appropriateness of radiation exposure and the amount of absorbed dose.  

The HTA Table project was launched in April 2022 and concluded with the distribution of the brochure produced. The HTA Table is currently 'silent'.  

Medical Physicists, Engineers, Physicians, Nurses and Citizen Representatives – Cittadinanzattiva