System for monitoring the health status and health care of the migrant population of the INMP

The National Institute for the Health Promotion of Migrant Populations and the Fight against Poverty-related Diseases (INMP, Istituto Nazionale per la promozione della salute delle popolazioni migranti ed il contrasto delle malattie della Povertà) has the mission to monitor the impact of migration and poverty on health and related prevention and health care interventions, including through the participation of interregional projects.
The INMP has initiated the activities of the National Epidemiological Observatory for Health Equity (OENES, Osservatorio epidemiologico nazionale per l’Equità nella Salute), formerly OENIP.
Within the framework of the aforementioned OENES, the project Monitoring Immigrant Health Indicators was developed as one of the priority lines of activity..

Identify and support health promotion policies in favor of the most fragile people; detect health inequalities and identify best practices for combating them and support regions in their implementation.

The Monitoring Immigrant Health Indicators project consists of calculating indicators related to population, hospitalization, maternal and child health, hospital care, territorial care, and emergency room access at the regional level, comparing the resident foreign population with that of the Italian population.

National Institute for the Health Promotion of Migrant Populations and the Fight against Poverty Diseases; Piedmont Region: Asl TO 3 - Suprazonal Service of Epidemiology; Autonomous Province of Trento: Provincial Agency for Health Services; Autonomous Province of Bolzano: Epidemiological Observatory - Department of Health; Lombardy Region: Regional Epidemiological Observatory; Veneto Region: Regional Epidemiological Service and Registries - Zero Company; Emilia-Romagna Region: Emilia-Romagna Regional Health and Social Agency and Intercompany Epidemiology Service of AUSL Reggio Emilia; Tuscany Region: Regional Health Agency, Epidemiology Observatory; Latium Region: Department of Epidemiology of the Regional Health Service; Apulia Region: Regional Strategic Agency for Health and Social Issues; Basilicata Region: Department of Person Policies; Sicily Region - Department of Health - Regional Department for Health Activities and Epidemiological Observatory; Umbria Region: Health Mobility Service and Management of Health and Social Information Flows.

Lucia Bisceglia; Ettore Attolini (scientific officer)