Epidemiology and Care Intelligence

Medical Director: Lucia Bisceglia 
Phone: 080 5403521 
Email: l.bisceglia@aress.regione.puglia.it 

The Epidemiology and Care Intelligence Area performs transversal support functions for the dissemination of elements of knowledge and analysis of an epidemiological nature on health dynamics. 

The Area produces, analyses and interprets data and knowledge useful for the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of regional policies, plans and programmes aimed at ensuring effective and adequate responses to the health needs of the population, also with regard to the fight against inequalities. It has the task of producing and sharing information on the nature, quality and outcome of health and social-health services, as well as evaluations of an epidemiological nature for the correct framing of health needs and the dynamics of the relationship between supply and demand in support of planning and evaluation activities. 

Thanks to the determinants of health (health and non-health, individual and collective), the Area supports the definition of primary and secondary prevention strategies and the development of equitable and sustainable policies capable of nurturing the wellbeing of the population. 

By cross-referencing epidemiological data with the results of the performance evaluation processes of the health and socio-medical services, the Area contributes to defining the need for services, the structure of the health and socio-medical networks, their structural and functional interconnections, with a view to optimising the allocation of resources, also through the experimentation of tools supporting the identification of appropriate care models. 

Information Flow Service

Manager: Vito Petrarolo
Phone: 080 5403530
Email: v.petrarolo@aress.regione.puglia.it

Registers and Epidemiological Surveillance Service


Evaluation Epidemiology and Networks Service


RTPuglia (Registro Tumori Puglia), Cancer Registry Puglia

Manager: Lucia Bisceglia
Email: registrotumoripuglia@aress.regione.puglia.it

COMIMP (Centro di Osservazione e Monitoraggio degli Infortuni sul Lavoro e delle Malattie Professionali)

Centre for Observation and Monitoring of Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases


CoRSA (Coordinamento Regionale Salute e Ambiente), Regional Coordination of Health and Environment