Chief Executive Officer

Phone: 080540.3188-3531-3355

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Agency is Giovanni Migliore, appointed by Decree of the President of the Regional Council No. 50 of February 8, 2024.

The CEO is the legal representative of the Agency, exercises the role of general direction of the organization and operation of the Agency, of which he has, in addition, the overall management responsibility.

The CEO provides for:

  • the approval of the general budget of the Agency
  • the verification, through evaluation, including comparative evaluation of costs and revenues, of the proper and economic management of resources, as well as the impartiality and good performance of administrative action
  • to the verification and control of the results achieved, making use of the OIV, directly evaluating the Managers reporting to the General Management and the Heads of complex structures
  • to the adoption of the economic budget, the operating budget and the annual report on the results achieved, as well as acts concerning the use and distribution of budgetary resources, including those defining the staffing levels
  • to the approval of the Corporate Act and other internal regulations
  • to the adoption of all decisions regarding the promotion and resistance to litigation, also exercising the power to conciliate and settle, as well as the appointment of attorneys representing the Administration, where these functions are not referred to other managers
  • to the adoption of all other acts reserved for its competence.